Thursday, July 1, 2010

Getting outta here this morning!!

Well I got my last whole brain radiation this morning, it was full of hugs and laughter, and I even got to ring the radiation bell AND I got a certifcate, which was really pretty sweet. I also got to take my radiation collander mask, don;t know if I'll do anything with it, but I'm sure I can figure out something!

They came and got me for the port-o-cath at 11am and i's now 2:30, so that was also very easy! So all in all today has been a REALLY GREAT DAY!!

They ended up not knocking me out totally for the port-a-cath, because of the brain bleed situation, I still didn't feel anything at all which was fine with me! I did over estimate my energy levels at 2:30. I pretty much crashed at 4pm. Ate dinner, took meds, and went to sleep. Jamie hung around until 9pm waiting on the Cancer Doc to come talk. She came by around 10. Good thing though, she's already got the discharge papers ready to go, do when Jamie gets up here around 9am I should get Sprung, which is going to be SO great. I'm ready to be back home with my boys and family!

If I'm not mistaken, my chemo goes from today until Wednesday, Then I think I'll have some "off' days. Not sure how sick if any I'll get, But I think that on my "off" days I might be up to visitors and going some places, I'll let ya'll know as soon as I know anything.!

Well my nurses here have been taking great care of me, brought me really good hot coffee and cherrios at 6am this morning. They've been super nice and although I'll be more than hapy to go home, it makes me glad that they're here to make the next patients stay a bit more pleasant. I'm really understanding AND appreciating ALL that my caregivers are doing, and with a smile no less! You guys are awesome, and I really love that you love what you do. I'm sure not everyone says thanks, so I'll thank you all for all those who don't!!


Bon Courage!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey--I know what you can do with that radiation mask--instant Halloween costume! I'm sending you something great to go with it!

    Congrats on ringing the bell and going home! Love to everybody and lots of gratefulness on this end, too!!
