Friday, July 23, 2010

Wow..crazy last post....

Well I just realized that I don't think I posted my last "new blog" on facebook, and when I went to check it out, I was reading it and it was CrAZy!! No spell check, no grammar check, obviously chemo stupor induced. Sorry.

So let me see if I can recap...

On Wednesday, got round 2. Totally over did it, spent 7 hours at the West, clinic. Will never do that again.ever. Next time I'm gonna schedule My Chemo in Southaven, it's like 5 minutes from the house, much easier. I will just schedule Dr. Appointments at the West clinic, because I have just obviously learned my limits here.

Thursday, I pretty much slept all day, if fact it is strange to me how the days all run together. I do remember checking my blood sugar and I suppose since I was not eating much, I didin't have to take insulin, which is good. Jamie said a home care nurse called and will be coming by later to day to make sure I've got everything I need,

I do remember something kinda funny from Wednesday night. I stupidly decided that I deserved a jacuzzi bath after that day from hell, so I had a nice long...not too hot soak, but when I asked Jamie to help me up, I had ZERO strength to help him lift me out. It was pretty funny, and we were both laughing about it, because we knew we'd figure it out, but it is so amazing how your strength will hide from you when you need it most, not to mention the bath tub is ridiculously deep so he's trying to lift some dead weight like 2 feet straight up. We finally figured it out! Jamie immediately went to Facebook, posted for a walker, and a hospital bed roll-a-away table. Initially, I didn't like that idea, but he's right, I gotta make things as easy as I can right now, so I can still be happy and do for myself! SO bring on anything that will help!!!

Our friends Carrie and Jon are loaning us a wheelchair, Uncle David's loaning us a walker, and Sean Jacobson's loaning us a hospital tray. Amazing how fiend's and family come thru! Thank y'all so much!!

I do have a question for those who have to test their blood sugar. The hospital sent me home with a Accu-Check tester, but the little thing that you load up with the needle to prick your finger, sucks, and I can't get the dang thing to load properly..any suggestions on a different brand? I've had to resort to just poking my finger with the needle, and I can see that is gonna wear out my fingers if I do it too much.

Well I can tell from my ability to type slightly more coherently, that maybe if I take it easy today, I might be getting outta the Chemo-stupor. Let's hope so. I'f I have 2 or 3 days of really bad yuck I can handle that.

I'll let y'all know how he day unfolds later! I'm thinking it's almost time for breakfast!

Bon Courage


  1. I recommend the One Touch Ultra test equipment. No auto load, but that's s technical "advance" I can resist a little longer.

  2. I am Jane Kinney's sister and a nurse. The "finger poker" usually has a dial at the end of it and that will control how deep it is puncturing your fingertip. If yours has that (usually represented by numbers 1 - 5 or just dots or dashes) just dial that so it goes deeper. My guess is that it is set so it is not puncturing as deeply as it needs to for your fingers. Also, don't use your index finger - often more calloused and harder to get blood out of. Use the middle or ring fingers. Also, placement is key. Pretend the finger is a ghost and poke the ghost it the eye - if you can visualize that.
    I have been praying for you and keeping updated through Jane.
    Ann Kinney Allison
